Ok, I didn't post last week. Sorry. But it might have been a test to see if people do realise it - and they did!
So here's the reason I didn't post: this painting was actually rather stubborn. I started it one evening when I was rather annoyed (not a good thing to do!) and that's where the dark background came from. I didn't finish in one go, so next time I was already getting bored with it but didn't finish either. On the third go I finally got to the point where it says "ok, that's it, finished". And - I'm glad I did finish it. Though I look at it now and long for more colour.
Maybe I need another coffee (both the drink and a painting)...
acrylics on canvas, 24x30 cm
Ja, ich weiss, ich habe letzte Woche kein Bild eingestellt. Das kam daher, dass dieses Bild sich etwas gesträubt hat und nur langsam entstehen wollte. Diese Ballerina war erst verägert, dann gelangweilt, und schlussendlich sieht sie etwas schüchtern aus. Vielleicht hat sie in ein paar Minuten ein Vortanzen und versucht, ruhig zu bleiben?
Technorati tags: acrylic dancing figure