Once again.... ~ A Painting a Week

Freitag, 25. Mai 2007

Once again....

You've probably noticed that I like to paint in groups (groups of paintings that is...). For one thing I think they do look good together and I also feel I can learn a lot by getting to know a subject better. Resulting in better paintings (hopefully)...

"Spring Blossom - take two"
acrylics on canvas, 40x30 cm

Wie ihr wahrscheinlich schon gemerkt habt, male ich gerne Serien, also mehrere Bilder zum gleichen Thema oder mit einem ähnlichen Sujet. In der Absicht, dass ich das Sujet besser kennen lerne und dadurch -hoffentlich - auch die Bilder gewinnen.

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5 Kommentare:

Stacy hat gesagt…

Oh, I really like this one!! Especially that soft touch of other blossoms in the background. Nicely done!

Also, I am starting to find it easier to understand the German entry...if I read the English first. :D

Regula Scheifele hat gesagt…

Thanks Stacy - I also like the soft bg a lot, it's what I was after in this painting. It's not easy to loosen up....
Und dein Deutsch ist sicher bald so gut, dass du dich an Schweizerdeutsch wagen kannst! ;-)

Stacy hat gesagt…

Ich versteh alles das nie "wagen"...
So I looked up the English meaning and now I know what you wrote. How different is Schweizerdeutsch from Hochdeutsch?

Africantapestry and Myfrenchkitchen hat gesagt…

Great painting again..I do agree about grouppainting. It does form a whole and you learn a lot about a subject..

Todd Bonita hat gesagt…

Thanks for the nice comments about my painting, really nice of you to say. I was happy to find your blog through your link, you are without a doubt another of the many talented artist cranking out beautiful work daily. Good for you. I'll check back to see what you are up to.
All the best,