Coffee #2 - Espresso ~ A Painting a Week

Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007

Coffee #2 - Espresso

Again two pictures today. Well, only one painting, but an additional 'group photo' to go with it. (does that count?)
To continue my Coffee Series here's Coffee #2 - Espresso. Again there's parts I like a lot, I'm especially happy with the spoon. And with the look of the four pieces I have so far as a group - that's why I want to show you all of them together. Would look nice in the kitchen I guess, but my kitchen is rather small, I'm not sure they would find a place there.
Next one might be another Espresso. My Mum suggested to do one with a very small coffee cup. More of a Ristretto probably?
What would be your order? Any favorites?

"Coffee #2 - Espresso"
acrylics on canvas, 13x28 cm

Heute stelle ich auch wieder zwei Bilder ein, wobei nur das erste neu ist. Coffee #2 - Espresso, das vierte Bild in meiner Kaffee-Serie. Und weil die vier zusammen am besten ausschauen habe ich als zweites gleich noch ein Gruppen-Foto eingestellt.
Hmm.... als nächstes hat meine Mutter eine Bestellung aufgegeben: noch eine Espressotasse, aber richtig klein. Fast schon ein Ristretto.
Und was wäre Eure Bestellung?

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5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Your group photo looks so good, Regi! Well done! I now look forward to "my" Ristretto coffee cup...


Stacy hat gesagt…

Amira, I love seeing your whole series together. They look great!! You should see if any local coffee shops are interested in displaying them. But don't tell them about the upcoming Ristretto cup. It sounds like someone has already claimed that.
And for my order...Ich mochte eine heisse Schokolade bitte.

Regula Scheifele hat gesagt…

Thanks for commenting Stacy!
Hmm... I'd love to display my work somewhere, really have to look into the coffee shop idea.
And I got your order - might start 'cooking' this weekend....


Unknown hat gesagt…

... also wenn wir schon bei den Bestellungen sind, ich hätte gerne eine Cappuchino!! Super schön, Regi!

sandy hat gesagt…

All of your work is so beautiful..