Neue Webpage
We had a beautiful week with warm spring weather, the daffodils and tulips are about to bloom and I did not paint a lot. Or rather: I did paint a lot, but didn't finish anything.
At the moment I have two paintings on my easel: one is a rather big floral where I'm using my new "Atelier Interactive Acrylics" I ordered from the US (they did arrive after some five weeks - surface mail!). Working with the Interactives is fun, but takes some getting used to.
The other is a smaller still life where I'm taking a rather classical approach using an underpainting. Both are not finished yet, but I hope to post one of them next week.
In the meantime I'd like to show you my new webpage - it's actually a kind of online portfolio showing some of my previous pieces. And since it's in German it might also serve as a language-learning-tool (hi Stacy!)...
Wir hatten eine wunderbare Frühlingswoche mit Sonnenschein, warmen Temperaturen und Osterglocken. Trotz dem schönen Wetter war ich fleissig am Malen, sogar gleich an zwei Bildern. Da beide aber etwas grösser sind, habe ich heute noch nichts zu zeigen - hoffentlich aber nächste Woche.
In der Zwischenzeit könnt Ihr euch ja auf meiner neuen Homepage umsehen - sie ist eigentlich eine Art Online-Portfolio mit einigen meiner bisherigen Bilder.
Viel Vergnügen!
1 Kommentar:
Your new website is beautiful!! I like the set up- it's easy to get around- and I really love the still life page. But man, do I ever need to practice my German more! :D
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