Winter Path ~ A Painting a Week

Samstag, 13. Januar 2007

Winter Path

Dashing through the snow.....
Ok, the holidays are over, so the song doesn't fit anymore. But what's more important: the weather doesn't fit! Today we had 15 degrees, sunshine, the birds are singing, the trees are almost blooming. So definitely no snow.
If you're missing it as much as I do: here you go!

"Snow Path"
acrylic on board, 30x30 cm

15 Grad, Sonnenschein, Vogelgezwitscher. Die ersten Pollen fliegen (schönen Gruss an alle Allergiker!) und die Cafés haben sicher auch schon Tisch und Stühle nach draussen gestellt.
Frühling? - Toll, aber wäre es nicht eigentlich Winter?
Ich vermisse den Schnee, darum hier diese Winterlandschaft... vielleicht sieht's ja bald auch hier ähnlich aus!

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2 Kommentare:

Dave hat gesagt…

well, I do miss the snow ... naw forget that thought ... I just wish I had your present weather! :-)

Regula Scheifele hat gesagt…

Thanks Dave - looking at the gorgeous winter photos you posted on your blog makes me jealous. ;-)
Enjoy the snow!