Experimenting - My First Collage Work ~ A Painting a Week

Dienstag, 21. August 2007

Experimenting - My First Collage Work

Experimenting is just so much fun!
I've thought about trying a collage piece for some time now, but never got motivated to really give it a go. Some weeks ago I took some great photos of my little niece, catching her personality, but unfortunately a little out of focus - she's definitely quicker then my digital camera!
So I used a 'reclaimed' canvas, acrylic paint, photocopies, Neocolor II (water-soluble wax pastels) and coloured pencils... et voilà!
I really enjoyed working with the different media, and composing a collage piece as compared to a plein air painting is very liberating and... inspiring.

Mixed media and collage on canvas,
30x30 cm

Ich wollte schon seit längerem eine Collage machen, und vor ein paar Wochen habe ich die richtige Inspiration gefunden: einige Photos von meiner kleinen Nichte, die leider unscharf wurden.
Also habe meinen Akrylfarben genommen, dazu Neocolor II (wasserlösliche Wachspastelle), Farbstifte sowie einige Fotokopien - et voilà, meine erste Collage!

Ich habe das Bild "Flutterby" genannt, auf deutsch wäre das wohl ein "Metterschling" - frei nach dem Gedicht "Der verdrehte Schmetterling" von Mira Lobe:
Ein Metterschling mit flauen Bügeln
log durch die Fluft.
Er war einem Computer entnommen,
dem war das durcheinandergekommen,
irgendein Drähtchen, irgendein Rädchen.
Und als man es merkte, da war´s schon zu spätchen,
da war der Metterschling schon feit wort, wanz geit.
Mir lut er teid.

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5 Kommentare:

Africantapestry and Myfrenchkitchen hat gesagt…

Oh, I love what you did with all the different media, Regula! The girl seems to be appearing from the mist...this is very creative!

Regula Scheifele hat gesagt…

Ronell - good to have you back!

I must say I quite like this collage piece too, and the photo was the perfect inspiration. And it was so much fun...
I guess I'll keep experimenting, and at one point I might do some mixed media plein air? - We'll see...

Sue Johnson hat gesagt…

Regula, I like the combining of the child image with images of butterflies. I think it captures the spirit of the child and expresses the mystical, transitory, transforming nature of childhood.

Regula Scheifele hat gesagt…

Sue - so nice of you to drop in, and thanks for those beautiful words!

Children and butterflies... I agree, they just fit so well...
This piece evolved very much 'on it's own'. And though I had planned to use the butterfly printouts I was surprised in the end how her eyes seem to lock onto that on butterfly, and how she seems to 'understand'.
And that again is very typical for so many of the young children that seem to know so much...

sandy hat gesagt…

This is really soft and pretty...very creative. I like it a lot.
